Sunday, December 2, 2012

'Tis the season of sharing and caring.  Well today I witnessed an act of sharing and caring and thought I would share it with you.  I took two little girls out today to play at an indoor playground.  When we got there they realized that the one girl didn't have socks on.  As they read the rules of the indoor playground they realized that one of them might not get to play because she didn't have socks.  The one girl said, " Here you can have one of my socks."  They ran off to play with one sock on and one barfeoot.  They looked so cute and they had a great time.  I sat there smiling and thinking what if everyone was so generous.  What if every day people could share and care for each other in such a selfless way.  We would live in a much better world.  During this season while we are rushing about to get the latest gift or gadget we need to stop and remember to share and care about those who are less fortunate.  Teach your children to give from the heart and not from the pocketbook.  As you shop this season keep in mind the one little who shared her sock so her friend could play too.  Until next time..

Sunday, November 18, 2012

This week we celebrate Thankgiving.  What a wonderful holiday!!  We should celebrate all of the great moments over the past year.  This year has been a wonderful year but it did have some very difficult moments.  I learned that we should celebrate every day that we have with our loved ones and not to sweat the small stuff.  Thanksgiving has always been my favortie holiday.  I love sharing time with my family, the parades and the food, of course.  We should take time to spend quality time with our children on this special day.  Happy Thanksgiving!!  Until next time...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

This my second post today!! I wanted to remind everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday!!  This is a very critical vote.  I fully support Obama!!  Romney will take away a women's right to choose.  I think every women should have the right to choose whether or not they want to bring a child into the world.m  A child is so special and EVERY child deserves to be wanted and to be loved.  Taking away a woman's right to choose will be the biggest step backwards that we have ever made in this country. The governemnt should have nothing to do with this personal decision.  Also Romney wants to take away from the Head Start programs.  He wants the federal government to step down and let the Head Start program be run by each state.  If this happens this will end the Head Start program.  The states can not financially support this program.  I worked for Head Start and saw first hand what a wonderful program it is.  If nothing else it assures that each child gets two nutrious meals a day.  There is no reason why a child should go to bed hungry in this country.  Head Start is a wonderful academic based program that gives a child the best start they can get into the academic world while ensuring their health and nutriction.  Please support Obama for these reasons if not for any other reasons.  Get out and VOTE on Tuesday.  Until next time..
November is the month of giving.  Give your time to your child.  Give them quality time.  One on one attention; such as reading a book, playing a games, making a craft or any other fun activities.  When they grow up they will remember these special times that you shared together.  Also teach your child the act of giving.  They are never to young to start this.  Have your child donate a canned good at school, give a an elderly neighbor a dinner, or clean out their toy chest and donate the toys to a woman's shelter.  These are just a few suggestions to promote giving to others.  When your child learns to give at an early age they will be the type of person who will continue to give for their entire life.  Reaching out to people is a very important lesson to teach your child.  Until next time...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hallooween is rapidly approaching and I know everyone has heard all of this before but I feel like I should give everyone a subtle reminder.  When choosing a costume make it friendly and nnnonviolent.  Let your child help you select their costume but promote creativity not violence.  No weapons: swords, guns, knives.  I think homemade costumes are the best.  Let your child help you make their costume.  Respect all of their input.  This can be a very family oriented activity.  Select a theme and everyone can have fun making their own costume.  Have fun carving pumpkins, making treats and spending quality family time together.  Always stress safewty first.  Wear relflective clothing, bring a flashlight, don't eat candy before getting home etc...  Halloween is a fun holiday!!  Enjoy!!  Until next time...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

This month is antibullying month.  I feel compelled to address this issue because it affects so many children today.  It all starts at the preschool level. As I observe children playing I can see the ones that are doing the pushing and the ones that are receiving it.  It is always  the same children.  As a teacher I encourage the child being bullied to stick for themselves by saying "No.  I had it first and not just give it to the bully.  I also tell the bully that he should not take things from other children.  It all starts in the sandbox.  Parents need to teach their children to repsect one another.  Children need to learn to appreciate the differences in people and understand that we are all not the same.  I encourage , you, as parents to set a good example by not stereotyping people.  Remeber your children are watching everything you do and you are their first teacher.  There should be no tolerance for bullying!!  When a child is forced to commit suicide becasue they can't take the bullying any longer there is something sadly wrong with our society.  Every child deserves to feel loved and respected.  Unitl next time...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How to protect your children without smothering them is very difficult for a parent.  This week a little girl was murdered on her way to school.  It happened in Colorado.  I'm sure her parents are very good parents.  She only had to walk three blocks and then she met her friends and walked the rest of the way to school with them.  She was 10 years old.  She was at an age where she could do this simple act.  Walking three blocks to meet friends is reasonable but she never made it.  This is so sad and it does make us think about how we can protect our children while giving them their independence.  As parents we want our children to be safe and secure but we also want them to grow and have a sense responsibility.  My heart aches for the little girls parents and I know their lives will never be the same.  Go over the rules of safety with your children.  Never talk to strangers.  Shout, kick, scream and run in the opposite direction if someone strange approaches you.  Try to walk in groups and never alone.  Review these safety tips every three months with your child.  Hug your child and make them feel secure.  I know the parents of the little girl from Colorado wish they could hug their child one more time.  Until next time..